After speaking out on the war in Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin’s friend Gérard Depardieu makes a drastic decision

1er last March, on the 6th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Gérard Depardieu, close to President Putin, and holder of Russian nationality, spoke on social networks, asking for an end to this conflict, “Russia and Ukraine have always been brotherly countries. I am against this fratricidal war. I say: ‘Stop arms and negotiate!'”. An unexpected intervention from the man who has established a real relationship of friendship with the Russian head of state.

However, and to prove his sadness in the face of this conflict, the actor has once again taken a radical decision. While he was supposed to perform on stage with the cover of singer Barbara’s greatest hits, Julie Depardieu’s father decided to cancel. Impatient, many fans had already taken their place to admire Gérard Depardieu performing in Antibes on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 March.

But as indicated in a press release by the singer published in Nice Matin this Wednesday, March 2, faced with the war in Ukraine, Gérard Depardieu decided to cancel: “I was to sing my Barbara on March 4 and 5 in Antibes and I was delighted. But given the seriousness of the events between Russia and Ukraine, I don’t feel the strength to sing my Barbara as I would like.”, after this bad news, fans can still rejoice since the actor is already announcing new dates“I would have the great pleasure of meeting you, perhaps, on May 24 and 25 in a world of peace.“, hoping that the conflict subsides.

Sad news that echoes his previous announcement concerning the rest of his career in France: “I’m going to perform the show in April at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, but after that, I’ll only present it abroad. In France, you sing twenty songs, and the taxman takes fourteen of them. You get paid on six!”enough to put his fans in doubt.

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