India’s chief election commissioner praised the “incredible power of Indian democracy”. He specified that among this figure, 312 million are female voters, or almost half.
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“A historic moment for all of us.” A total of 642 million Indians took part in the general elections which have just ended in the country, after six weeks of voting. “We broke a world record”, declared to the press, Monday June 3, the chief electoral commissioner. Rajiv Kumar specifies that 312 million are female voters, or almost half. “This shows the incredible power of Indian voters”he continued, who praises “the incredible power of Indian democracy”.
Based on the 968 million voters recorded by the commission, 66.3% of voters called to the polls took part in the vote, a slight decrease compared to the last general elections in 2019. According to Rajiv Kumar, “642 million voters chose action over apathy, belief over cynicism and, in some cases, the ballot over the bullet.” “No major incidents of violence” was not reported according to the electoral commission, he added.
The seventh and final phase of these general elections ended on Saturday after six weeks of voting. The count and results are expected on Tuesday. According to exit polls, Narendra Modi is on track to win a third term as head of government. The Prime Minister said he was certain that “the people of India voted in record numbers” to re-elect him. India uses electronic machines allowing rapid counting of ballots.