after Salah Abdeslam’s apology, there are other highlights until the verdict

This beginning week marks a turning point in the November 13 trial, the beginning of the end for this moment of historic justice. Highlights are still expected until the verdict. It is also the last Monday of the presidential campaign: in exactly one week, France will have chosen who to entrust with the keys to the Élysée for the next five years.

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Trial river, marathon, tunnel also sometimes for those who experience it closest: the trial of the attacks of November 13 has passed the milestone of 100 days of hearing and with the end of the interrogations of the accused last Friday, a new phase will open when the hearing resumes on Wednesday 20 April.

Place for the analyzes of the psychiatric and psychological experts on the accused, before a new week devoted to the civil parties who had not been registered before, then several more long weeks of pleadings and indictments, and finally the verdict, awaited for the moment for the June 24.

It is another home stretch that will punctuate the news of the week: that of the presidential election, before the second round on Sunday. Despite this deadline, the campaign remains bleak, still arousing very little interest among voters, and with two finalists who seem to reserve themselves for their duel between the two rounds. The debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will take place on Wednesday evening, and perhaps they will manage to show what sets them apart, and can therefore motivate voters to go to the polls on April 24.

On this Easter Monday, “Le Quart d’Heure” also asks a far from superficial question: do you know the hidden side of your Easter chocolates? It is a galloping deforestation, which affects among others the Ivory Coast, and which feeds global warming. To produce more respectfully and consume in a more enlightened way, initiatives exist.

Good listening !

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