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Desiccated dead animals, hungry and thirsty, litter the ground near Godé. In this region of Ethiopia, there has not been a drop of rain for a year and a half. “God help us, give us rain”pleads a local resident who has lost his entire herd.
In this village, the survival and economy of those inhabitants revolve around cattle. A way of life in danger who may not survive this drought. LThe animals that are not yet dead are so thin that they cannot be sold.
The first victims of this famine are the children, some of whom in a state of malnutrition are examined in a food distribution centre. Food supplements are given to mothers to that they can feed their children, as a pediatrician points out : “We meet some mothers who because they don’t eat not enough don’t produce enough milk for their children.”
For the most extreme cases, milk is injected directly into the children’s stomachs. As the situation deteriorates, Ethiopia is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis.