After participating in a pro-Macron dinner, a CNews columnist was reportedly dismissed from the air!

During an election period, political journalists or other columnists do not necessarily have it easy. Example of this sometimes complicated posture, the journalist Anne-Sophie Lapix would be put in danger following her sometimes quite offensive positioning with certain leaders. Consequence for the star of the 20 hours of France 2: she was excluded from the possible arbiters of the debate preceding the second round of the presidential election. “Marine Le Pen does not want Anne-Sophie Lapix to lead the debate“explained Jordan Bardella who is president of the National Rally. Same story on the side of the executive who would find the journalist a bit too incisive for the exercise.

But some chains themselves take the decision to do without the services of some of their soldiers. According to information revealed Thursday, April 21 by our colleagues from Médiapart, the columnist of CNews Karim Zéribi was dismissed from the antenna following his participation in a dinner in support of the president-candidate, Emmanuel Macron. The decision of the group’s channel, which belongs to Breton businessman Vincent Bolloré, was merciless , the day after the dinner organized on Tuesday evening at the Grand Mosque of Paris.

Contacted by the site created by Edwy Plenel, Karim Zéribi did not confirm this version and evokes a “decision by mutual agreement“.”I think it is preferable that I withdraw from the antenna a few days before a second round and when I have taken partisan positions”. “Arcom (new name of the CSA, editor’s note) is very strict on this (on equal speaking time, editor’s note)“, he explained.

Arcom, which controls speaking times during the election period, would have confirmed to the investigation site that Karim Zéribi is “not considered support“His speaking time would therefore not have been counted.”Is considered as support any person who explicitly calls to vote in favor of a candidate“, specifies the regulator.

Thibaud Cruz

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