after Paris, stopover near Lille for demonstrators en route to Brussels

The Belgian authorities have banned any demonstration in the capital “with motorized vehicles”, while the arrival of the “freedom convoy” is expected on Monday.

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The journey continues. Some 1,300 vehicles participating in the “freedom convoy” from all over France stopped on Sunday February 13 near Lille, according to the police, before a rally scheduled for Monday in Brussels. On Saturday, they had demonstrated in the capital for some of them.

Arrived in a concert of horns, on a parking lot of shopping center in Faches-Thumesnil (North), the participants demonstrated there in the evening to the cries of “We don’t give up”, “Freedom freedom”brandishing numerous French flags, some stamped with the Cross of Lorraine.

If some organized to spend the night there, the instruction to resume the road without delay for Brussels, in small groups, was given at the beginning of the evening by megaphone and on the loops of the Telegram messaging system used by the participants. “Come in support”the rebellious mayor of the town, Patrick Proisy, opened a sports hall for access to sanitary facilities.

The Belgian authorities have banned all demonstrations in the capital “with motorized vehicles” and announced that it had taken measures “to prevent the blocking of the Brussels-Capital region”.

Those who call themselves “freedom convoy”on the model of the mobilization which is currently paralyzing the Canadian capital Ottawa, bring together opponents of the vaccine pass but also of President Emmanuel Macron and also take up the demands of the “yellow vests” on the cost of living.

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