after new accusations in Morocco against the ex-CEO, the Vilavi group triggers an audit

Four complaints have been filed in Tangier, involving at least twelve people in the call centers of the group, formerly Assu 2000.

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The Vilavi group, whose ex-CEO Jacques Bouthier was indicted in mid-May in France for “trafficking in human beings” and “rape of a minor”, announced on Wednesday June 22 the launch of a “independent audit” following new accusations, notably in Morocco.

Four complaints were filed in Tangier (Morocco), where the group has a call center. Twelve people are implicated in total, to which others could be added, according to the plaintiffs’ lawyer, who denounced on June 18 in Release “a whole system, prepared, organized”, “in order to satisfy sexual desires” of the former boss of the Assu 2000 group, now Vilavi.

“French and Moroccan media have recently made public the testimony of employees or former employees of the Vilavi group and its subsidiaries, questioning intolerable practices and facts”writes the insurance brokerage company in a press release consulted by franceinfo.

The Vilavi group has entrusted Mazars “the conduct of a complete audit of the social climate within the teams and management based in Tangier” and decided “the strengthening and provision to all group employees of a system for alerting, reporting all irregular situations and monitoring psychosocial risks”. The group’s new general management promises to take “all the collective and individual decisions that will be necessary, according to the conclusions delivered by this independent audit”.

Aged 75, Jacques Bouthier was indicted on May 21 with five other people following a preliminary investigation opened in mid-March. He is also being prosecuted for “criminal association with a view to committing the crime of kidnapping” and “sequestration in an organized gang”, as well as “possession of child pornography images”.

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