after Nahel’s death, the singer takes part in the huge “artists’ strike” and denounces the “fundamentally racist” system

On June 24, a 17-year-old boy named Nahel lost his life after being shot by a police officer during a simple traffic check in Nanterre. This new “police blunder” generated a wave of indignation and caused a tornado of riots throughout France. But against all expectations, the policeman who killed the young man was strongly supported by another part of public opinion… so much so that a kitty having raised 1.6 million euros was paid to his wife to provide them with moral support.

Something to shock some French people and something to motivate some artists to… go on strike! A call for a strike this Saturday, July 15, 2023, was indeed launched by musicians and art workers for a “punch action”, following the revolts linked to the death of Nahel. Artists protested to see that the riots led to the arrest of at least 3200 people and many lawyers denounced the disproportionate aspect of the criminal response: systematic use of immediate appearances, heavy sentences often going up to to prison for minor facts… can we read on the site “Frustration Magazine”. Thus, the families of the victims of police violence, already marginalized, find themselves more and more numerous, without resources, as if condemned in turn.

“Many of us musicians are horrified by this situation, and we feel that it is impossible for us to continue our work normally when institutions and the media directly restrict our freedom. Today it is necessary to reaffirm that if our art cannot benefit the most marginalized sections of the population, to which many of us belong, then it is pure entertainment, accomplishing the exact opposite of what we want: to look away from what is happening today in France. By agreeing to keep our demands silent, we are purely and simply playing the game of a fundamentally racist and classist system, for which art should above all not not make waves. We now refuse to allow our art to remain inconsistent. This is why it is necessary today that artists demand that concert halls themselves take a position on this subject. We are therefore calling for a movement on the 15th July, day of national demonstration against police violence. We demand that concert halls donate part of their July 15 receipts to the solidarity fund for the families of victims of police violence. We ask artists who wish to give up their place at events supporting the families of the victims, or to donate their fees directly to the kitty concerned.” do we learn on the web

A movement to which the singer Apple has just joined since she has just proudly declared it on Instagram. “I support the call for a strike by artists on July 15 in France, to help the families of victims of police violence,” she said. “I play my concert and I donate my fee in support of the families of victims of police violence”.

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