after more than two months of research, the police arrested the husband, Michel Pialle, placed in police custody



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

M. de Chalvron, S. Pasgrimaud, C. Dudon, C. Blondiaux, J. Delage, L. Michel – France 3

France Televisions

Two and a half months after the mysterious disappearance of Karine Esquivillon, the investigations are now focusing on the husband, who was taken into custody on Wednesday June 14. From the beginning, he claims that she left voluntarily.

This Wednesday, June 14, in the middle of the afternoon in Maché (Vendée), the gendarmes have just finished the search of the home of Michel Pialle, the husband of Karine Esquivillon, mother of five children and whose trace was suddenly lost on March 27th. Since the disappearance of his wife, he keeps repeating that she left on her own. “I received a text saying that she was gone. She said: ‘Tired of living together, but not as a couple'”said Michel Pialle in front of the cameras of France 3 a few days ago.

troubled elements

Several elements cast doubt on this version. Shortly after his disappearance, a photo of the Dune du Pilat is sent from his phone. Quickly, the investigators realize that the photo was recovered from a website. Moreover, the telephone has never left the commune of Maché more than three kilometers away. On April 9, the cell phone was found with an almost full battery. Relatives of Karine Esquivillon have always doubted her disappearance. “My sister was a communicator with her family”, specifies Adélaïde Esquivillon, the sister of the missing woman. Michel Pialle was placed in police custody at La Roche-sur-Yon, where he is heard by investigators.

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