after months and months of rumors, the formalization of a break!

It’s an announcement that had the effect of a bomb! After several weeks of suspense, Karine Ferri took to her social networks – this Wednesday, June 29, 2022 – to confirm that she was going to stop filming with the show Dance with the stars. The host will be missed by thousands of viewers of TF1… It’s certain ! “I wanted to inform you, before others do, with misleading titles, that I will no longer be hosting Dals, the debrief, at the start of the next school year”, explained the darling Yoann Gourcuff through his post.

As she pointed out, the first channel has “ knew how to listen to (his) desires and respect (his) choice”. “I loved working on this program, rich in emotions, twists and turns, with a great team”, added Karine Ferri. “ I lived the experience of an apprentice dancer with happiness, I grew up within this program. “. Obviously, the main concerned wishes to focus on new projects. “Today I aspire to other adventures that I can’t wait to share with you and TF1”she added without saying more.

At the same time, Karine Ferri will continue to take full advantage of her family. His family remains his priority. The young woman has always known how to reconcile her career and her personal life. Last year for 50’Inside, the ex-companion of Grégory Lemarchal delivered without filter on his offspring. “Today they understood that mum also flourished in her work. And that to have a fully fulfilled mom, Mom also needed to find the trays [de télévision] »explained Karine Ferri.

In his absence, it is his other half who manages the whole organization at home! “When Yoann was on the pitch and playing football, it was important for me to be close to him, to accompany him. So we’ve always been very cool with each other’s schedules and career choices. I think that’s what love is.” she concluded.


to see also: Karine Ferri is still talking about her on Instagram

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