After Michel Barnier’s appointment to Matignon, NFP voters express their “disappointment” and “anger”

Many left-wing sympathisers responded to a call for testimonies from franceinfo to express their incomprehension after the arrival, on Thursday, of a historic figure of the republicans as Prime Minister. Many of them have the impression of having “been robbed” of the result of the legislative elections.

“I think we were robbed of a victory”rages Christophe, a 66-year-old Norman, socialist activist. Like him, many Internet users responded to the call for testimonies launched by franceinfo, after the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon, Thursday, September 5. While some readers expressed satisfaction after learning of the choice of this personality “consensual”according to Vincent, and of “great experience”adds Michel, many testimonies from supporters of the New Popular Front (NFP) express anger. A feeling translated in an Elabe poll for BFMTV published Friday, according to which three out of four French people believe that Emmanuel Macron did not take into account the results of the legislative elections.

“Nobody won, but some lost less than others and since the NFP has the largest number of MPs, republican tradition dictated that we choose from the winning group”continues Christophe, retired from National Education, who does not hide his “disappointment”. Many testimonies believe that Emmanuel Macron did not respect the Republican front by opting for the former RPR minister (the ancestor of LR) and by seeking Marine Le Pen’s opinion for the choice of his Prime Minister. “Today is clearly the end of the Republican barrier”says Emmanuel, 38, LFI sympathizer from Rennes. “For once, we have a youth that has mobilized at the ballot box. Finally, we go from a very young Prime Minister to a man who speaks to no one. The symbol is disastroushe adds.

“If we wanted to put people off voting, we couldn’t do better.”

Emmanuel, LFI sympathizer

to franceinfo

“I am quite disappointed by this decision. Michel Barnier comes from LR, a fairly minority group in the Assembly [il compte 47 députés sur 577]. Elections are called, the NFP is in the lead and we don’t make the effort to appoint a person from the left”confirms Alexandre, a law student from Besançon. The left-wing alliance had proposed the name of Lucie Castets to take on the role. “We voted and the losing party is nominated?”also wonders Valérie, supporter of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “People will say again that there is no point in voting. After seven years of Macron, we are continuing the same policy that we no longer wanted, it is extremely shocking”explains this 53-year-old woman from Var.

“All this for that, I am a little surprised and disappointed”continues Barnabé, a 19-year-old Breton, who voted for the first time this year and who chose an NFP ballot. This student is especially surprised by the profile of the former Savoyard MP, 73 years old, who was first elected to the Assembly in 1978. “He does not represent the working population or the youth”he judges.

“I am very astonished, surprised, distressed, enraged…” Léa, an environmentalist sympathizer, has no shortage of words to react to Emmanuel Macron’s choice. “A lesbian candidate is being pushed aside to choose a Prime Minister who voted against the decriminalization of homosexuality… What is the message? Now I’m thinking: what’s the point of voting?”asks this 31-year-old Parisian.

“I fear that for the next elections, the French will desert the polls, which will be favorable to the RN.”

Léa, 31 years old, environmentalist sympathizer

to franceinfo

“Michel Barnier is the reactionary right, RN compatible”also judges Aurélie, 38 years old. “I don’t see how a man from the old politics like Barnier will be able to govern serenely,” considers Yoann, a 29-year-old from Grenoble. “His absolute priority is the fight against immigration”worries Timothée, a 35-year-old Parisian. “Michel Barnier is part of the group that did not form a republican front”notes Abdel, 62, criticizing the fact that Michel Barnier had sent LFI and the extreme right back to back in the second round of the last legislative elections.

Left-wing voters are also revolted to observe that Emmanuel Macron chose a head of government who was not rejected by the National Rally. “It’s a political move, far from the expectations of the French”confides Kilian, an environmentalist sympathizer. After the Republican Front, Emmanuel Macron finds himself choosing a candidate that the RN accepts”regrets this 40-year-old from Nantes.

“The President of the Republic continues to maintain a blurred line with the RN, his best enemy.”

Kilian, 40 years old, environmentalist sympathizer

to franceinfo

“I don’t understand the current game. What interest does he have in appointing someone who is not part of the National Assembly, except to seduce the extreme right in order to hand them power at the next election?”Léa also wonders. In 2017, Emmanuel Maron had also committed to ensuring that there would be no “no more reason to vote for the extremes” after his five-year term. “I have put a Macron ballot in the ballot box six times since I became an adult to prevent the RN from winning. And to see a sort of alliance between Macron and Le Pen to prevent the NFP proposal, that scares me a lot about the state of our democracy”testifies Quentin, resident of Saint-Denis in Reunion.

“We blocked the RN by voting and we have the impression that there is now an anti-left barrier in the Assembly, even though the left is still republican”despairs Grégoire. A part of the presidential camp has repeated in recent months that LFI does not fit into the “republican arc”. This 29-year-old from Clermont plans to demonstrate on Saturday but regrets that the protest movement is not being supported more, particularly by the unions. “I am extremely angry, but I remain mobilized to participate in possible demonstrations, I think that the saga is not over”adds Augustin, a 27-year-old from Grenoble.

Barnabé, himself, no longer really believes in demonstrations. “We have the impression that it is no longer of much use, we saw that it did not achieve anything during the movement against pensions”the student breathes. “I’m counting on a motion of censure or on the next elections”he adds. Vincent, a 30-year-old Parisian, also hopes for a reaction from parliamentarians in the coming weeks: “Some Renaissance MPs have shown their distance from President Macron, we can hope that they take their responsibilities and join the NFP to censure a Barnier government.”

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