after Marion Maréchal, another member of her clan betrays her and joins Éric Zemmour

This is bad news for Marine Le Pen! While the first round of the presidential election is not very far away, she has just lost a precious member of her clan. After his niece, Marion Maréchal, it’s his sister’s turn, Yann Le Pen, to join his opponent, Eric Zemmour. According to information from the expressfrom this Friday, April 1, the second daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen has decided to support the Reconquest candidate!, during its meeting, at the Trocadéro, on March 27th. According to the weekly, Yann Le Pen was also present at the March 6 rally in Toulon where she “didn’t hide her enthusiasm. “treason” that Marine Le Pen would have a hard time accepting.

To understand this new turnaround, relatives of the Le Pen clan are trying to put forward “the jealousy between the two daughters of Jean-Marie Le Pen”. According to a member of the political party of Marie Le Pen, the latter’s sister “had already behaved very badly [pendant] the defeat of 2017, the evening of the second round”. The source even remembers that Yann Le Pen had launched the following sentence: “The evening will be short”. Another striking fact that the interviewee remembers is the reaction of Yann Le Pen when his sister was elected president of the National Front (now National Rally). “Yann was already making an impossible face, in 2011, in the boxes after the Congress of Tours, when Marine was elected to the presidency of the FN!”can we read in the columns of the newspaper.

If Marine Le Pen has not yet made a statement on this subject, she returned to the betrayal of Marion Maréchal. In an interview with the news agency Reutersthe RN candidate says she hopes her niece “will find that she has deceived and that she will return to fight “by his side. The one who is also a member of the Pas-de-Calais also did not rule out the idea of ​​​​a new candidacy for the presidential election, in case of failure. ” I say: “a priori, yes, I will not be a candidate again”. But you know, in politics, you should never say never. And, sometimes, history has more imagination than us”, advanced Marine Le Pen.

See also: Marine Le Pen gets involved!

Helene Bardeau

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