After Lola’s murder, Paris says it must “do better” on deporting irregular immigrants

The French government admitted on Wednesday that it had to “do better” on the deportations of irregular immigrants, after being questioned by the right and the far right following the murder of Lola, a 12-year-old teenager killed in atrocious conditions.

The main suspect in the murder, Dahbia B., a 24-year-old Algerian, was charged Monday with “murder” and “aggravated rape”, and imprisoned. She entered France legally in 2016 with a student residence permit, but had been under an obligation to leave French territory since last August.

“We are working hard to ensure that the evictions” are “followed by effect”, but “we obviously have to do better”, said French government spokesman Olivier Véran.

“The level of compliance with the OQTFs (obligation to leave French territory) today is the maximum level known during the five-year term of President (Nicolas) Sarkozy” (2007-2012), underlined Mr. Véran, while specifying that it is not “satisfactory”.

“We have multiplied by almost twenty the number of OQTFs to Algeria compared to last year, which was a rather exceptional year, given the situation on the Covid”, he specified.

But the spokesperson also invited those who argue about this case to show “dignity”.

“The time has not come to bring a political trial, political overexploitation, as we have seen it done for a few days, it is the wish of the family”, received Tuesday by President Emmanuel Macron, he said. he criticizes.

“Obviously we want the strongest convictions, obviously we want justice to take its course as quickly and as firmly as possible,” added Mr. Véran.

The leader of the French far right Marine Le Pen stepped up to the plate on this file on Tuesday, stressing that “the suspect of this barbaric act should not have been on our territory” and denouncing a “lax migration” of the government.

Senator Bruno Retailleau (right) had for his part affirmed that “Lola (had) also been the victim of migratory neglect”.

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