after hospitalization, she will soon speak on TF1!

A speech to reassure and make things clear? According to our colleagues from France SundayBrigitte Bardot was reportedly hospitalized in Toulon in April after suffering from a “severe respiratory failure”. Following this hospitalization, the emblematic icon of the seventh art would suffer “serious after-effects due to her breathing difficulties and, no doubt, lack of blood oxygenation… Cognitive disorders affecting oral expression and writing would thus severely handicap her”.

If the 88-year-old artist, who played an important role in the success of the group “Chico and the Gypsies” has since spoken and tried to reassure, she could do it again and this time, by the through a television interview. Indeed, guest in the show “C Media” on France 5 over the weekend, the group Dear gave news of “BB”. Or rather, the group that represented France at Eurovision in 2018, made a huge revelation.

See also: Live on C8, a friend of Brigitte Bardot makes an astonishing statement about the actress

Brigitte Bardot should be the subject of a report

“Madame Monsieur, I believe that Bardot inspires you! Isn’t there a story of composition, of music for a documentary on Brigitte Bardot soon?”first asked Mélanie Taravant before her guests answered: “It’s really a coincidence, but yes, we are working on the music for a documentary on Brigitte Bardot which is produced by Nicolas Bary and directed by Alain Berliner and which will be broadcast on TF1 next year”.

A very surprising announcement, on which Jean-Karl Lucas, singer and composer of the group, focused: “It’s a documentary with Brigitte Bardot who was interviewed there a few weeks ago at her place”. “She agreed to speak and with many other speakers in France and abroad who talk about her and who retrace her life, without complacency”continues the artist who assures that the objective of TF1 would be “to do something very beautiful, in addition”.

As for the role of the group Dear in this project, Jean-Karl Lucas explains: “We are lucky to have been contacted to produce covers of the legendary repertoire of Gainsbourg, Brigitte Bardot…” For the moment, no date has been communicated and TF1 hasn’t made anything official yet.


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