The elected official was confronted with rallies and acts of intimidation, after the announcement of the move of a reception center for asylum seekers in the seaside resort.
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The mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, who resigned after being targeted by arson, estimated on Saturday May 14 that the State had not “not held to [ses] sides”. In a press release published on his Facebook page, Yannick Morez refutes remarks by the local prefect and reacts to a tweet in which the Minister of Communities, Dominique Faure, assures him of his support.
The aedile had already regretted a “lack of state support” by announcing his resignation on May 10, after months of tension in his commune around a project to transfer a reception center for asylum seekers (Cada). “After the attack on my home, I wrote to the sub-prefect (…) asking for the deployment of reinforced protection to protect me and my family”explains the mayor of Saint-Brevin in his press release.
“The State has never wished to communicate on this project”
“The sub-prefect replied to me on April 13 (…) telling me that a risk assessment was going to be carried out”, says the chosen one. After one “relaunch by email on April 25 (…) I was told (…) that this risk assessment was still in progress. It is still”, he regrets further. In his message, Yannick Morez also reacts to comments by the prefect of Loire-Atlantique, Fabrice Rigoulet-Roze. The latter affirmed that the prefecture organized “public meetings, exchanges, consultation” around the Cada transfer project.
“The State has never wished to communicate on this project, which nevertheless depends on its competence. It is therefore the city which announced it (September 2021), communicated, carried, defended”, denounces the resigning mayor. The elected official, who will be received by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and auditioned in the Senate on Wednesday, concludes his press release assuming that his resignation has “free speech”.