After his failed debate against Donald Trump, Joe Biden tries to reassure his camp


Video length: 1 min

United States: After his failed debate against Donald Trump, Joe Biden tries to reassure his camp
United States: after his failed debate against Donald Trump, Joe Biden tries to reassure his camp

Donald Trump and Joe Biden faced off during a televised debate on Thursday June 27. The current resident of the White House, whose performance has caused concern, tried to reassure during a meeting on Friday.

After his failed performance during the presidential debate against the other candidate Donald Trump, Thursday, June 27, the current president Joe Biden wanted to reassure his supporters.I don’t speak as easily as I used to (…). I know how to do this job, I know how to get things done, and I know, like millions of Americans, that when you get knocked down, you get back up.” he assured during a rally in North Carolina on Friday.

During these 90 minutes, the Democrat sometimes appeared tense, weakened and searching for words. The president’s supporters say they are disappointed by this first debate. “Joe Biden could have been clearer, and also spoken louder“, one woman said, while another said she was “sad” about the situation. The next televised confrontation between the two men is scheduled for September 10.

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