after her teeth, it’s her eyebrows that make people talk …

The past few months have not been easy for Loana. The star has increased hospital stays to the chagrin of his admirers. After ups and downs, the interpreter of “Comme je t’aime” has decided to end his friendship with his ex-agent Sylvie Ortega. Now Loana wants to move forward and focus on her new projects. After living in the Paris region for a while, Mindy’s mother seems to be enjoying the south of France alongside Eryl Prayer.

The duo even goes on shows to the delight of their fans. “Hello the loulous !! For our next show with Eryl Prayer, we will be in Spain (too good) on December 5th at the Torrevieja boards… Come and see it, it’s going to be great. Full of big kisses of love ”, Loana recently made known via his social networks.

While waiting to find her audience, the young woman enjoys immortalizing all her daily life on her Instagram account. Unfortunately, his posts are not always unanimous. If his community is generally benevolent, some Internet users allow themselves to make countless criticisms of his physique. This Friday, November 26, 2021, Loana has borne the brunt of it again.

Facing the camera, while she unveiled herself in all simplicity to wish her followers good night… But her selfie did not have the desired effect. In addition, a new detail has stunned some of his admirers. “It’s not recent, she doesn’t have her happy teeth yet. Nun night Loana ”,“ It’s as long as you sleep… But please don’t forget to take off your lenses to sleep ”,“ I’m sorry, but those eyebrows are no longer possible seriously. The 2000s are over ”,“ I don’t want to be mean, but with fuller eyebrows, I’m sure you would look better ”, can we read in the comments thread. It remains to be seen whether Loana will take their advice into account …

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