after her heavy defeat in the presidential election, Anne Hidalgo makes her political comeback at the Council of Paris

A little over a month after winning 1.7% of the vote in the first round of the presidential election, Anne Hidalgo made her political comeback on Tuesday morning at the Paris Council. The socialist has been very discreet for a few weeks.

>> Anne Hidalgo will have “an extremely complicated end of term” as mayor of Paris, according to her opponents

The agreement reached between the Socialist Party and the ‘Rebellious’ for the legislative elections, to which she was opposed, did not spare her supporters in the capital. Some see her very weakened, but it is difficult to know the rebound capacity of the mayor of Paris. Even a member of the opposition recognizes this: “She is an experienced politician, a fighter, resilient. I am lucid, his result in the presidential election will not diminish his capacity for action“, he assures.

In any case, his socialist supporters maintain this image of a fighter. PS senator from Paris David Assouline does not feel it “neither feverish nor depressed“.”She has a pretty incredible rebound ability“, comments the one who advised her during the presidential campaign. “She probably took it, but she never showed it. The only time I felt her a little disappointed was when the agreement was reached for the legislative elections concerning Paris, she experienced it as an abandonment on the part of the PS negotiators.“, details the one who is also First Secretary of the socialist federation of the capital.

Socialist senator Rémi Féraud wants to believe that “Parisians have totally disconnected their vote between the municipal elections and the presidential election“. A way to evacuate the 2.17% of the candidate in her own city.

“She was inevitably marked but this failure, we had been waiting for it for months, there were no surprises”.

Rémi Féraud, socialist senator

at franceinfo

Can the partners of the majority, in particular the ecologists, draw political benefit from the situation? They will in any case try to weigh a little more on the decisions. This is expressed by Fatoumata Koné, head of the environmental group at the Council of Paris. “HASith this vote very largely in favor of Mélenchon in the presidential election, there is a clarification to be made. We advocate a revision of the municipal project to direct it towards more social and environmental subjects” he analyzes. Other elected officials are less diplomatic. “Anne Hidalgo understood nothing. Instead of saying ‘we’re thinking’, she does nothing. At this level, it’s blindness“.

It will also be necessary to count on the right and Rachida Dati to agitate this first Council of Paris. “Of course, Rachida Dati will shout ‘Madame 2%’ throughout the council“, expects, as a regular, this adviser to the opposition. For two years, the leader of the Parisian right has systematically attacked Anne Hidalgo during the councils.

The spokesperson for the LR group, Aurélien Véron, is in any case definitive: “The mayor of Paris arrives weakened, with a divided majority. We expect a pitched battle with environmentalists” and press where it hurts: “She won two times less votes in the presidential election than the number of municipal agents in Paris“. However, beware of the boomerang effect because their candidate Valérie Pécresse did not shine in this presidential election either.

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