After her breakup, Shakira shares how she questioned her expectations about love, family and the way men look

She is undoubtedly the most popular Latin American star of all time, the Colombian singer Shakira, thirty years of career and more than sixty million albums sold, has been in the news in recent weeks, not for her music, nor for her Elsewhere for the eight years in prison she faces for tax evasion in Spain, no, she is making headlines for her breakup with footballer Gérard Piqué, the father of her two sons, and who left her for a model of ‘a twenty years.

>> “You changed a Ferrari for a Twingo”: Shakira settles accounts in song with her ex, Gerard Piqué

In revenge, she had released a song in January, a title that had broken the record for views on YouTube in 24 hours. She hadn’t spoken since this episode, and on Sunday, she finally gave a long 30-minute interview on Mexican TV where she talks about everything, her career, her children, Gérard Piqué of course, but above all of her, of her self-questioning, of the time she took to get out of the norm, and precisely of everything that is expected of a woman, in Colombia, in Latin America, and elsewhere.

“I’ve been in love with love”

So farshe says, I have always been emotionally dependent on men, their gaze, their validation, and I had totally adopted the fable that a woman needs a man to be whole, to be complete“, this myth which implicitly implies that single and independent women, somewhere, have failed. “I’ve been in love with love [sous-entendu comme un but en soi], and then I had this dream of starting a family, of having children and living with their father under the same roof, but now, not all dreams are meant to come true.

She does not say that she no longer believes in the family, she says that life is more subtle than a fairy tale and above all that one can free oneself from it. And we discover another Shakira, very different from the hyper-assertive, powerful, audacious singer that we see in the clips. We listen to a woman who, at 46, questions the standards with which she was built and who says that now she knows that she is self-sufficient to be herself.

And that’s what the social networks, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, remember, it’s not the revenge part, but this message on the importance of realizing oneself, for oneself and no longer depending validation from fathers, brothers, husbands, bosses, or any male gaze. Endorsement posts and testimonials number in the thousands. Enough to show that there is a real subject of society there, in any case much more, really much more, than the little personal life of a star.

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