after Grant Wahl, death suddenly strikes a new journalist!

Decidedly, this World Cup in Qatar is really not like the others. The competition has just been marked by the death of a new journalist. Indeed, just one day after the announcement of the death of Grant Wahl, it was one of his colleagues, the Qatari photoreporter Khalid al-Misslam, who died in the exercise of his functions. He would have died “suddenly” this Saturday, December 10, according to the media Gulf Times, quoted by our colleagues from Parisian. This image specialist worked for the state channel Al-Kass, which confirmed the death of his collaborator, without indicating the circumstances of his disappearance.

A mysterious death which therefore occurs shortly after that of the American Grant Wahl. Just a few days ago, the latter had confided to the readers of his newsletter “Fútbol with Grant Wahl” that he did not feel in very good shape. “My body finally let me down“, he had written on December 6th. Three weeks with little sleep, lots of stress and work can have this effect on you. […] I could feel my upper chest supporting a new level of pressure and discomfort.” he had indicated while admitting that the doctors had diagnosed him with probable bronchitis.

The face of the journalist had especially been made famous on social networks after having publicly shown his support for LGBT + rights. To protest against certain severely repressed or stifled individual freedoms in Qatar, he wore a rainbow t-shirt during the United States / Wales match. An act that had earned him some trouble with the local authorities. His brother also raised the hypothesis of a criminal act, saying that Grant Wahl had been threatened because of his militant act. In 2011, Grant Wahl had already made a name for himself by presenting his candidacy for the head of the International Football Federation against Sepp Blatter.


See also: Tunisia / France: the Antoine Griezmann scandal!

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