After Germany and Austria, the Netherlands announce a return to coal

As Russia gradually reduces its gas flows to Europe, the Netherlands announced on Monday the lifting of restrictions on coal-fired electricity production, a day after Germany and Austria also announced an increased use of coal. combustible.

Dutch coal-fired power plants can now “operate at full capacity instead of the maximum of 35%”, in force since January 2022 in the country in order to reduce CO emissions2announced the Dutch Minister of Environment and Energy, Rob Jetten.

The Dutch decision, “prepared with European colleagues” according to the Dutchman, comes the day after similar announcements in Germany and Austria to make greater use of coal to compensate for the drop in Russian gas deliveries.

The German government resolved to announce on Sunday that it would use so-called “reserve” coal-fired power plants, currently used only as a last resort, to guarantee the country’s energy security as Russia gradually reduces its gas flows. towards Europe.

Concretely, some power plants will remain operational longer than planned in the German energy transition plan.

“Short term measure”

The extension of certain power plants will be “a short-term measure”, over a “limited” period, until March 2024, Berlin insisted on Monday.

“The exit from coal in 2030 is not wavering at all […] “, assured Monday a spokesperson for the German Ministry of Economy and Climate.

This calendar is even “more important than ever”, added this spokesperson, Stephan Gabriel Haufe.

Austria, also dependent on Russian gas, also announced on Sunday the next restart of a disused coal-fired power plant, in order to be able to make up for a possible shortage.

” Under pressure “

Against the backdrop of a standoff between Western countries and Moscow in the context of the war in Ukraine, the Russian energy giant Gazprom has already cut off its deliveries to a number of European countries, including Poland, Bulgaria, Finland and the Netherlands.

Gazprom last week announced gas delivery cuts through the Nord Stream pipeline. Experts and politicians expect Russia to turn off the tap more in the coming months, a headache given the immense needs of German industry.

The situation is “serious” for Germany, which continues to import 35% of its gas from Russia – against 55% before the war – even if the supply of the country remains guaranteed for the moment, according to Mr. Habeck .

The Dutch depend on Russia for about 15% of their gas supplies, compared to an average of 40% in the European Union.

“I would like to emphasize that there is no acute shortage of gas at the moment” in the Netherlands, insisted the Dutchman Rob Jetten. “However, more countries are now under pressure [de la Russie] “, he explained. “That worries us. »

“Adapt” to the situation

The European Commission has set ambitious targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions for the countries of the European Union.2.

“Some of the existing coal capacities could be used longer than initially planned” due to the energy crisis, said Tim McPhie, spokesman for the Commission, during a press briefing.

“We know that the energy mix and the plans of the Member States will adapt slightly because we are in an unexpected situation,” he added.

The German government has said that it cannot yet assess for what additional volumes it will call on coal-fired power plants.

“It will depend on the energy market and the gas supply situation” in the coming months, the Ministry of the Economy stressed.

He also recalled that Germany acts within the framework of CO emission quotas2 set in the European Union: the country is therefore required to respect limits, whether the emissions come from gas or coal.

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