After Emmanuel Macron’s letter to the French, the left is stepping up to the plate

Negotiations continue on Thursday, July 11, to try to form a government, while Emmanuel Macron intends to put political leaders against the wall by urging a broad coalition of republican forces. Scandal in the ranks of the left, which is demanding the departure of Gabriel Attal and wants to go alone to Matignon. In “L’Evénement” on France 2, Olivier Faure, the head of the PS, accused the head of state of not “respect the vote of the French” after the New Popular Front came out on top in the legislative elections. His denial is damaging the country and democracy.”for his part castigated the national secretary of the Ecologists-EELV, Marine Tondelier, on X. Follow our live broadcast.

“No one won” the elections, according to the head of state. In his letter to the French people published on Wednesday in the regional press and France Bleu, the head of state asks the “republican forces” of “building a solid majority”He believes that following the early legislative elections, “marked by a clear demand for change and power sharing”, “Only the Republican forces represent an absolute majority.” “Nobody won” Sunday, according to him, and it is therefore necessary “inventing a new political culture”.

Renaissance MPs torn between left and right. Having gone from around 250 seats to some 160 elected representatives after the legislative elections, the deputies of the presidential camp are divided on the strategy to adopt. Ministers like Gérald Darmanin and Aurore Bergé are campaigning for a rapprochement only with Les Républicains, to the great displeasure of the left wing. Others, like the deputy Yaël Braun-Pivet, are reaching out to the New Popular Front, having said on France Inter that she was open to governing with “the social democrats, with the socialists and the ecologists.”

The New Popular Front discussions continue. The socialists, the ecologists, the rebels and the communists met again on Wednesday at the end of the day to find a candidate for the post of Prime Minister, franceinfo learned.e First Secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, said on Tuesday that he was “ready to assume” the “function”. The choice of the left-wing coalition will be known “in the coming days, in the coming hours”he reaffirmed Wednesday evening on France 2.

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