While Emmanuel Macron assures, on Saturday, that he has set a minimum price objective to protect agricultural income, communists and rebels react.
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“The least we can say is that he wakes up very late.” Like the PCF spokesperson, Ian Brossat, on franceinfo, several communist leaders and La France insoumise (LFI) react to one of Emmanuel Macron’s announcements, Saturday February 24, during the Agricultural Show .
The president has set the goal of being able “unblock” on “floor prices which will protect agricultural income”, as part of the preparation of a new law governing relations between food stakeholders.
“13 years since this proposal has been on the table”
The two left-wing movements point out that they have been advocating for such a measure for several years now. “In 2011, the communist deputies, through the voice of André Chassaigne at the time, tabled a bill to create these famous floor prices, that is to say remunerative prices which allow farmers to live on their work. This proposal has been on the table for 13 years now.”points out Ian Brossat.
“It is clear that this government, no more than previous governments, has taken up this proposal. I want to say ‘so much the better’! It will obviously be necessary to study the modalities of implementation of this decision. Simply, how much time wasted! How many farmers who, during these 13 years, were unable to make a living from their work, so many farmers in a situation of despair”the senator from Paris is indignant.
“Macronie is a machine that wastes our time. Only the fight pays,” also observes the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, on X (ex-Twitter). “Macron accepts the guaranteed prices proposed by LFI since 2018 and rejected by the macronie again in 2023 in the National Assembly in the bill presented by Manuel Bompard. The fight pays”says Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the same social network.
The struggle continues”
At the end of November, his movement in fact defended in the Assembly, without success, a bill providing for the establishment of floor prices “more profitable” for farmers. Today, “the creation of floor prices, sector by sector, is a political victory for the agricultural world”reacts the national secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, on X.
For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the struggle “keep on going”. So, “we must block the profit margins of the agri-food industry”, says the three-time presidential candidate. The bill from Manuel Bompard, deputy and coordinator of LFI, also provided for “regulation of the margins of distributors, the agri-food industry, refiners”.