After Diam’s, her friend, the singer Vitaa, in turn announces the scheduled end of her career…

What if this was the end? No Vitaa fan hopes so. However, it may well be that the singer will retire soon. In any case, this is what she suggested a few hours ago in an interview granted to our Belgian colleagues from South Info. But why would Slimane’s sidekick have made such an announcement? Maybe she just wants to take some time for herself after the arrival of her third child. Indeed, at 38, Vitaa is carrying life again and will become a mother again in a few weeks.

She is probably thinking of after childbirth and the complicated moments that will come. Of course, the artist will especially enjoy his new wonder. But it is clear that the arrival of a baby is very tiring between the worries for his state of health, or the times when the nights are truncated by the crying of the child. As she gets older, Vitaa may want to focus more on her family life than her music career and that’s completely understandable. In any case, this is what she let it be understood in her interview for South Info. “My next album will certainly be the last and I’m not saying that to make a comm”, dropped the singer before relaying a sentence from her son who touched her a lot, in the wrong way. According to her, her little boy would have let her know that he had seen his nanny more than his own mother.

It was enough for the singer to question herself and make a big decision. “I’m a very simple girl. When I’m not working, I stay at home with my children. I don’t hang out at parties, I’m pretty wild. That said, I don’t know until when I’ll do this job “she explained before continuing by admitting that she no longer had the strength to “run everywhere”: “I take less pleasure in running around, promoting… I have a family, I’m getting older, and I want to see my children grow up. Maybe I’ll make myself rarer”. It seems that Vitaa has indeed announced the end of his career…

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