After Denitsa Ikonomova, another emblematic member slams the door of “Dancing with the stars”!

This is very sad news that fans of Dance with the stars learned this Thursday, July 21, 2022. As the new season of the show approaches, the production has announced the departure of one of the most emblematic dancers of tele-hook. Denitsa Ikonomova, present since the beginning of the program, has made the decision to say goodbye to DALS. Interviewed by our colleagues from Parisian, Frédéric Pedraza, deputy director of TF1 Production, confided in the reasons which prompted François Alu’s sidekick to bow out. According to the latter, the dancer’s schedule does not allow her to return to the show. ” He was offered to return to the court, but his schedule does not allow it “. He also added: She is preparing the choreography for a big film at the start of the school year and is working on another feature film “. A terrible disappointment for viewers who probably expected to find the pretty brunette alongside her most faithful “companion”.

Maxime Dereymez bids farewell to DALS

Moreover, the departure of Denitsa Ikonomova is not the only one to upset the fans. Indeed, according to information from Clément Garin, “ Maxime Dereymez leaves Dancing with the Stars “. According to the journalist, it is not about his decision, but that of the production. During the last season, the dancer was particularly singled out for his attitude during the first prime time. While Lâam was thrilled on the stage of Dance with the stars, his partner looked downcast. Annoyed by the negative comments, the young man had been obliged to explain himself. ” I just discovered the Twitter comments of the bonus Dance with the stars. I don’t think some people realized that my lack of a smile was due to my pain! A keratitis is not a simple conjunctivitis or a little sore in the eye and the spotlights only amplified things “, had then written the latter on the social networks. One thing is certain, it is that his departure is likely to sadden many viewers.


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