after Covid-19 and jaw cancer, Guillaume Durand is coming back from hell!

Renowned French journalist with an impressive CV, Guillaume Durand has nevertheless become rare in recent months. And for good reason, the former presenter of Nowhere Elsewhere was struck by the disease. After almost a year of absence, he is in any case preparing to make his return to Radio Classique. On Sunday 23 January 2022, he will present a new cultural program, offered between 7 and 8 p.m. This is what he says in Le Parisien to which the journalist gave an interview. He will also speak in the morning radio, a section he hosted until last year, and on BFMTV as a columnist.

Last May, replaced at a moment’s notice by Dimitri Pavlenko on the air, Guillaume Durand gave details of his sudden absence from the waves of Radio Classique: “Life sometimes reserves, in the field of health, stray bullets from which we recover with rest. No drama, I’ll be back soon. “On December 25, he seized his Twitter account to announce his return to the start of the school year, after having conquered the disease:”Thanks science / medicine. First jogging after a hell of cancer operated for 10 hours on June 25. Then chemo and radio followed by a good Covid.

In the columns of Le Parisien, Guillaume Durand details this difficult period: “My main doctor tells me that I have a cancerous tumor.” He then explains wanting to perform a “commando mission, à la Rambo“.”It’s very animal feeling, whereas I can be afraid of a mouse in normal times.“The journalist says he met” a genius surgeon “who explained in detail what he was going to undergo:”My jaw was going to be replaced with a piece of fibula. And I’ll have a tracheostomy for edema. He gave me the idea that I could get out of it. On D-Day, I entered another humanity. It was the turning point of my life“, he confides to our colleagues.

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