after being drugged, Amandine Pellisard’s vacation (large families, life in XXL) turns into a nightmare

She thought she could rest after all her latest adventures… In the end, Amandine Pellisard had a series of disappointments. Indeed, currently on vacation in a campsite near Sète, the candidate of Large families, life in XXL, took over his Instagram account to give news of his stay. And according to the latest news, she would experience many problems with her husband.

It wouldn’t be the first time either. Several weeks ago, the mother of the family was already ranting on social networks after being drugged in Barcelona while she was in a bar with her husband. “I would like to talk to you about something super important, if you are going on vacation there or for the weekend. Be careful! The first evening, we passed in front of an atmospheric café which looked super nice, right in the middle of de las ramblas, and in fact we fell into a con trap”she started before giving more details: “We were offered a mojito but we wanted something else and so we prepared our drinks. But what we found odd was that we didn’t prepare our drinks at the bar. They prepared it behind the kitchen”.

Not a relaxing vacation

In the end, after drinking the “drink”, the one who recently appeared in a very daring swimsuit, realized that she had just been drugged: “We weren’t even halfway that I felt like there was something in it. Alex tells me he felt weird too. And in fact, they screwed up on us in the glass, these crazy people. We felt it right away. We felt very muddy, it was not normal”. A tourist trap with which criminals impose bills that can go up to 2000 euros…

But this Monday, July 11, it was not because she was drugged that Amandine Pellisard expressed her annoyance. This time, the pretty blonde regretted the fact that she could not rest during her stay at the campsite. “What’s good is that we’re going to come back from vacation even more exhausted than before leaving. These holidays are catastrophic from a sleep capital point of view, we’re not going to save!”, she regretted in her last story. It seems that her children still require a lot of effort from her, while she would have preferred to do nothing for a few days.

See also: Amandine Pellissard facing the disease: her sad announcement on cancer…


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