The Flamanville EPR is not yet producing electricity. EDF plans to connect the new reactor to the electricity grid “by the end of autumn”.
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Start-up operations at the Flamanville EPR (Manche) resumed on Thursday, September 19, three days after the reactor was automatically shut down on Monday, September 16, according to information from franceinfo.
EDF tells franceinfo that these operations have resumed “after the final checks and verifications.” “The automatic shutdown that occurred on September 16 led to a resumption of the reactor protection system settings. The event had no impact on safety.”assures EDF.
The reactor, which is being started up for the first time 12 years behind schedule, shut down automatically on Monday. “while tests were underway on a group of control clusters to measure the doubling time of the chain reaction”according to the French electrician.
This was the second automatic shutdown of the EPR, less than two weeks after the reactor’s very first divergence. EDF specifies that the start-up of the EPR is “a long and complex process, which puts equipment into service for the first time. The activation of other automatic shutdowns and the encounter of hazards remain probable until the reactor reaches full power.”
The Flamanville EPR is not yet producing electricity. EDF plans to connect the new reactor to the electricity grid “by the end of fall”.