After accusations of plagiarism | Ed Sheeran films his writing sessions

(London) British pop star Ed Sheeran has said he records all of his songwriting sessions to avoid plagiarism charges, after winning a case this week over his smash hit Shape Of You.

Posted at 9:45 a.m.

“Now I film everything, everything is recorded,” the 31-year-old musician said in a BBC interview broadcast on Friday.

“We have complaints for songs, we can answer: here is the tape, look and you will see that there is nothing”, he reported.

“For me, the best feeling in the world is the euphoria that comes with the first idea when you write a good song,” he added. “That feeling now has become, ‘oh wait, let’s stop for a moment.’ We find ourselves thinking twice about it.”

On Wednesday, the High Court in London dismissed two songwriters who accused him of plagiarism for Shape of Youthe best-selling title in the world in 2017, also posting 3 billion plays on Spotify and almost 6 billion views on YouTube.

Judge Antony Zacaroli ruled that he had not “deliberately” or “unknowingly” copied part of the song’s melody oh why (2015) by Sami Chokri and Ross O’Donoghue.

According to the judge, there are “obvious similarities” between the two songs, with a melody resulting in particular from the minor pentatonic scale like “countless songs from pop, rock, folk and blues”, but also “significant differences “.

This is not the first time the artist has been sued for plagiarism. For example, he had reached a financial agreement in the United States with authors who accused him of having plagiarized their song. Amazing for its title Photographwhich he said he regretted.

” I have not played Photograph for a very long time after that I stopped playing it, in a way I felt dirty,” he told the BBC.

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