Three years after having had to put its activities on hold due to the loss of its premises in Mercier-Est, the cinema organization Station Vu will resume its activities on Thursday.
Posted at 4:19 p.m.
This time, Station Vu will hold its film screenings at the Center Communautaire Roussin in Pointe-aux-Trembles. A first screening evening will take place on Thursday, May 12 with the presentation of the film Bootlegger by Caroline Monnet in the presence of the film crew.
The president of the board of directors, Carolle Brabant, is obviously very happy with this long-awaited outcome.
“We went through a difficult period with the loss of our premises and the pandemic,” said Brabant, who was Executive Director of Telefilm Canada from 2010 to 2018. But our board of directors is made up of volunteers who are very committed to providing cinema in the east end of Montreal. »
In 2019, the building, a former school, housing their 40-seat hall, was demolished. Station Vu halted its activities and started looking for a new place to relocate. Then came the coronavirus pandemic with all the consequences that we know, especially for the cinema industry.
“We really wanted to stay in Mercier-Est, but after taking inventory of practically all the vacant premises in the neighborhood, we couldn’t find anything at a reasonable cost,” continues Brabant.

Carolle Brabant, in 2014 when she was president of Telefilm Canada.
Finally, in 2021, Christian Yaccarini of the Angus Development Corporation directed the Station Vu team to the direction of the Roussin Community Center, which houses the Marie-Claire and Richard Séguin room. The two parties finally came to an agreement.
“The center is home to community organizations and presents several types of activities, but the administrators also wanted to improve the cultural offer,” says Brabant. They are happy with our arrival. We will use half of the room, which is more in line with the type of cinema we present. »
Station Vu’s activities are therefore resuming this spring with the presentation of six Quebec films on Thursday evenings, Bootlegger (May 12), Sisters Dream and Variations (with French subtitles) by Catherine Legault (May 19), Archipelago by Félix Dufour-Laperrière (May 26), Very nice day by Patrice Laliberté (June 2), There is no fake job by Olivier Godin (June 9) and you will remember me by Éric Tessier (June 16).
As usual, Station Vu accompanies ensures that at least one member of the film crew is present. “It was important for us to keep this trademark of having at least one guest,” says Carolle Brabant.
Six outdoor summer screenings will take place from June to August at Parc Marcel-Léger in Pointe-aux-Trembles. After which, Station Vu intends to launch a regular program in September at the rate of ten screenings per week. This programming consists for the vast majority of Quebec films recently released in theaters.