“After a few days of massive mobilization, the government will be forced to lay down its arms,” ​​said the CGT

The intersyndicale called for “putting France to a halt in all sectors on March 7” to protest against the pension reform.

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“After a few days of massive mobilization, the government will be forced to lay down its arms“, declared Wednesday, March 1 on franceinfo Catherine Perret, confederal secretary of the CGT in charge of pensions and social protection, about the call for the renewable strike launched by the representative unions of the SNCF and by the inter-union of the RATP from March 7 against the pension reform.

>> Pension reform: demonstrations, renewable strikes, debate in the Senate… What will happen in the days to come?

This Wednesday, leaving the Council of Ministers, government spokesman Olivier Véran estimated that “bring France to a standstill” from March 7, would be “take the risk of an ecological, agricultural or health disaster”. “This government is feverish because it has understood that France will be at a standstill from March 7”said the trade unionist.

“It’s a government, not only that no longer has a compass, but that has also broken its social and ecological barometer”adds Catherine Perret. It is a government that has done nothing to solve the problems of the French people. It is a government that is above ground, which no longer understands the country at all.”

“The government will have to withdraw this project which no one wants”she finished, assuring that “What comes from the ground is that the mobilization of March 7 will be extremely followed”.

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