after a big blunder and a controversy on Twitter, Lola Dubini apologizes

After several months of absence, the show “District Z” has made its comeback this Saturday, December 4, 2021 on TF1. Viewers were finally able to discover the first images of the second season of the adventure program presented by Denis Brogniart. And if the show had been strongly criticized at its inception, this different version has probably seduced Internet users.

“We listened to the critics. So there will be more events per show, more zombies, more aggressive and who will steal a lot more lives from the guests.” To declared Denis Brogniart. “The ‘golden pass’, which will allow you to double your accumulated victories or lose everything. It will add spice. We shoot from 8 pm to 8 am with a break of one hour to 4 hours. At the end of the day we are all undone, which gives us great moments of emotion. “

Lola Dubini makes a big mistake
For this first episode of season 2, it is Laurent Maistret, Anne-Sophie Girard, Clémence Castel, Gil Alma and Lola Dubini who answered the call. The very first test consisted of solving a puzzle with just two clues: “In my country, flamingos are not pink” and “the river which crosses this city is called ‘the Reie'”.

After a long reflection with her comrades, Lola Dubini launched sure of herself: “Liège, of course, is half French, half Flemish.”. What anger Internet users on Twitter: “Liège is half Flemish, that’s for sure! I know it, I love Belgium ‘… we’re going to have to spend more time there as a result”, “Lola… Liège is half French-speaking and half Flemish? Go tell that to a Liege! What’s your source?”, “I zap and I come across District Z … Lola Dubini since when Liège is half-Flemish, half-Walloon?”. Faced with the many reactions, Lola Dubini spoke on the same social network: “Sorry Belgian friends. Liège = French-speaking. I understood. I’m sorry. IT WAS 4:00 AM IN TRUE I SAID CACA. I love you. “

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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