After 17 seasons, Laurent Ruquier leaves the program “On est en direct”, previously “On n’est pas couche”, the Saturday evening talk show on France 2

Despite a “natural understanding”, the host admitted to not being “comfortable in the co-hosting” of the show, which he presented with Léa Salamé.

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Since 2006, he was the one who occupied the antenna of France 2 in the second part of the evening, every Saturday. Laurent Ruquier announced on Friday June 3 that he was stopping presenting the talk show “We are live”, in a message posted on Twitterconfirming information from Télérama. “Tomorrow night will be my last show (…) after 17 seasons spent together”, he writes on the social network.

Stating it’s his decision “to leave this time slot”, the facilitator confides not to be “at ease in co-hosting for a talk show”. “I tried, but despite my natural understanding with Léa Salamé, I find the exercise too frustrating”, he added. Journalist Léa Salamé and Laurent Ruquier have been co-hosting this program launched in 2020 since the start of the 2021 school year.

Léa Salamé was previously a columnist for Laurent Ruquier from 2014 to 2016 in “We are not lying”. His time at the head of this essentially cultural and entertaining program was supposed to give a more political coloring and more in tune with current events, in particular with the approach of the presidential election of 2022.

“I wish good luck to Léa Salamé as well as to her producer and I am working with France 2 on new projects for the start of the school year”, assured Laurent Ruquier. From next season, he confirmed that he would be on the air every Sunday evening for the program “Les Enfants de la télé”.

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