These associations denounce in particular the crisis in the home help sector with “serious threats to the safety, integrity and dignity of people with disabilities, and for some a danger to their lives”.
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The AFM-Téléthon and APF France handicap will contact the Defender of Rights for “endangering the lives of others” and “general non-assistance to people in danger” to denounce the lack of personnel in the health sector. help for people with disabilities, the two associations announced on Tuesday October 3 in a press release.
>> TESTIMONIALS. “We no longer have a social life”: “helping parents” talk about exhaustion in the face of the crisis in the sector of helping people with disabilities
The two associations indicate that they will contact the Defender of Rights on Wednesday at 3 p.m. “For several weeks, the AFM-Téléthon and APF France handicap have been aware of a growing number of facts and repeated breaches throughout France”, write the two associations. According to them, these facts constitute “serious threats to the safety, integrity and dignity of people with disabilities, and for some a danger to their lives”.
“Many people with disabilities, who are heavily dependent and require home help for all the activities of daily life, find themselves, due to the crisis in the home help sector, due to a glaring lack of staff and their very low level of competence, in a situation which puts them in danger and can even endanger their lives.”
The AFM-Téléthon and APF France handicapCommunicated
“Given the seriousness of the situation and its accelerated deterioration, the AFM-Téléthon and APF France handicap are obliged to […] to issue an alert in the face of the imminent danger and the serious attack on security, dignity and violations of fundamental rights noted”add the two associations.