Afghanistan: a big step back, the return of the burqa



Article written by

D. Olliéric, N. Auer, M. Behboudi – France 2

France Televisions

Since the beginning of May 2022, the burqa has again been made compulsory for women in Afghanistan. Some of them refuse this measure and are campaigning versus.

The Taliban harden their policy. Since the beginning of May 2022, women must once again wear the full veil in public spaces. This measure is not accepted by all and for the moment, in Kabul, many of them choose not to wear this veil. “Small little by little they force us to do like 25 years ago and now they only allow us to show our eyes”, testifies a young Afghan girl talking about the Taliban.

Some activists who campaign for women’s rights continue to let it be known that they do not want this huge step backwards. They also deplore the lack of support from the international community. “Today, we don’t have too much hope because the international community no longer supports us, but as long as I’m alive I will continue to fight against the Taliban”, declared an activist. The Taliban, however, claim to want to open schools for girls again.

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