affected, Jeremstar reveals to be separated from his companion

Single. This Saturday, November 13, Jeremstar spoke about his private life during a question-and-answer session on his Instagram account. The blogger specializing in reality TV has revealed that he has separated from his companion Lorenzo. “I haven’t been in a relationship for a while, that’s it. Since one month“, he launched to his subscribers.

In the wake of this sad news, Jeremstar opened up about his tortured state of mind at the time: “It’s not going well, but I think you’ve been feeling it for a little while. I didn’t necessarily want to talk about it (…) simply because I didn’t feel ready, because I was not put under pressure. It was very unpleasant to live“, admitted the young man of 34 obviously still affected by this separation.

Following this revelation, Jeremstar received many messages of support from his community and the blogger did not fail to thank them via an Instagram story. “Hello everyone, I wanted to do this little story to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind messages you sent me yesterday. I told you, I spoke about this break, I do not intend to talk about it again, we will move on. The next few weeks, I will try to move forward, to concentrate on my projects, my work, the tour of my one-man show (…) it’s important to stay positive because otherwise, we sink “, he concluded.


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