Affected by COVID-19 | Lynda Lemay cancels four shows

Tested positive for COVID-19, singer Lynda Lemay canceled the show she was to give Thursday evening in Poitiers in France and must also postpone the three shows she was to give on November 26 and 27 at L’Anglicane room of Lévis.

André Duchesne

André Duchesne

“I just received a positive result for a COVID-19 test. What a disappointment !, wrote the singer-songwriter Thursday on her Facebook page, addressing her audience in Potters and the surrounding area. Since I was fully immunized, my health should not suffer too much; I imagine I will be in great shape for the next dates. “

Verification made with those around her, Lynda Lemay is currently in isolation and will be able to resume her tour as of December 3 at the Juliette-Lassdonde Arts Center in Saint-Hyacinthe, provided, of course, that the next test is negative.

Entitled Life is a crazy tale, Lynda Lemay’s current tour has around fifty dates with shows in Quebec, France, Belgium and Switzerland. According to its website, it must continue until December 15, 2022.

We know that the Poitiers show has been postponed to January 7, but no date has been communicated concerning the three shows in Lévis.

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