Adventure | The South Pole on skis for Caroline Côté

After pushing her limits on an Arctic island, a Quebecer is now aiming for Antarctica. The adventurer and filmmaker Caroline Côté wants to reach the South Pole on skis, alone, without assistance. And hopes to break the speed record for a woman, currently 38 days, 23 hours and 5 minutes.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Mary Tison

Mary Tison
The Press

“I’m aiming for the record because in life, I need to motivate myself to move forward,” she explains.

The record is one thing. The main attraction is Antarctica.

“It’s extraordinary to be in such a vast territory, for such a long time, with such intense conditions. »

She intends to follow a classic route, 1130 km between Hercules Inlet and the South Pole.

“It’s the land of great explorers, it’s a place that leaves no room for error. I wanted to test myself in there. I think I am ready to take on such a challenge. Am I 100% sure of succeeding? There are so many bad luck which can happen. »

Caroline Côté knows all about expeditions. In 2018, she walked alone, on foot, between Natashquan and Montreal, following the Hydro-Québec power lines.

In 2021, she crossed the Arctic island of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, in winter, with her partner Vincent Colliard. The expedition of more than two months was particularly difficult. In particular, food had to be rationed towards the end. This is an experience that will be particularly useful for Antarctica.

I was at the end of myself. But I didn’t want to stop the expedition even if I was really exhausted, at my weakest. I really didn’t want to press the red button and ask for help. It taught me how far I can go.

Caroline Cote

The big difference is that in Antarctica, she will be alone.

“If I have a problem, there will be no one to support me. »


Caroline Côté is therefore training thoroughly for this expedition, scheduled for November and December 2022. She chose to do it in Norway: she and her husband bought a small piece of land there.

“Norway is a place where people are very close to exploration and expedition,” she says. I get to talk to people who have done a lot of exploration in their life, like Børge Ousland. It’s part of the mental preparation. »

This includes anticipating all the problems that could arise: a stove that no longer works, unwanted light bulbs, a violent wind that complicates the assembly of the tent, etc.

I prepare for the worst, I try to find answers.

Caroline Cote

In terms of physical preparation, she walks pulling a car tire for two hours a day.

“It’s still quite heavy. I can’t take this lightly. To break the speed record [établi par la Suédoise Johanna Davidsson], I have to give everything I have. »

Beating this record (she is aiming for a 38-day crossing) would allow her to take the lead in the world of adventure.

“It could open the door for me for other expeditions and it could help me find bigger partners. »

The search for partners (or sponsors) is a necessary step in the organization of a great expedition. Caroline Côté estimates that her travel expenses should reach US$72,500.

“It doesn’t include all the other equipment needed for the expedition. It should go up to at least US$115,000. For now, I’m investing a lot out of my own pocket, but I’m trying to find partners in certain areas in Quebec who could help me with that. »

This adventurer, who nevertheless bravely faced the polar cold and hunger, admits to feeling fear at the idea of ​​raising funds.

“It scares me to ask people for money and I’m scared of disappointing them. »

To pack light

Caroline Côté has made documentaries in the past, notably about her expedition to Svalbard, on the island of Spitsbergen. But in order to make herself as light as possible, she will not bring filming or editing equipment.

“It’s so huge that just pulling out my camera would make me feel tired. I will still have a phone with which I will film. It’s still amazing quality. »

With these videos, she hopes to create some kind of on-board material that she would like to present when she returns.

“I’m sure there will be super funny moments, more intimate moments and more difficult moments. »

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    If Caroline Côté wins her bet, she will be the first Quebecer to cross the South Pole by skiing solo.

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