advance Christmas shopping

In the parking lot of the BAB2 shopping center, many customers have the bags full of toys and other gifts. “I only need food for the meal, but that will be at the last moment, the rest is already bought and under the treelaughs Paola, a plastic truck under her arm. Like her, a large number of buyers have chosen to anticipate the Christmas shopping.

Save money

The first reason for this anticipation is above all economic. With his dollhouse, Nicolas also finishes his Christmas shopping. “Usually I do it at the last moment. But there, certain one-off promotions pushed me to do them earlier to take advantage of them, these are significant savings.“For this Christmas 2021, the father has a gift budget between 100 and 150 €. “With the promotions, I get 60 in gift vouchers, which is not nothing either.“In his decoration shop in the shopping mall, Rihab makes the same observation.”People even started buying in November! This makes it possible to spread out expenses, and not to spend everything at once, which is not within the reach of everyone.

People even started buying in November! It allows you to spread the expenses – Rihab saleswoman in the mall.

Avoid the rush for gifts

While some die-hards will obviously wait until the last moment, Isabelle and Dominique prefer to take the lead. “That way, there is still a choice, and above all, we avoid the jostling. Otherwise, in a few weeks, there will be so many people that we won’t want to go into the stores.“explains the retired couple. With an average basket between 10 and 15 €, Rihab ensures that its turnover has already doubled since November. And should benefit from the big boost of latecomers who will rush into the stores a few days before Christmas Eve.

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