Adrien Pagerie returns to US Orleans

He is a well-known rookie at US Orleans. Defender Adrien Pagerie returns to the club, five years after his last match with the Wasps, announced the USO on Thursday. Last season, the 30-year-old played with another National club: Villefranche Beaujolais.

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147 matches in National

From 2015 to 2017, Adrien Pagerie wore the USO jersey with, at the end of the first season, the rise in Ligue 2. “He had a full season with 29 games to his credit in National and was one of the players who brought US Orléans up to Ligue 2 in the spring of 2016”, explains the club in a press release. During the Ligue 2 season, he only played 7 games with the Wasps. Since leaving Orléans, he has also played at Cholet and Les Herbiers in addition to Villefranche. He totaled 147 matches in the National Championship.

The first match of the season for US Orléans will take place on Friday August 12 on the lawn of Concarneau.

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