Adrien Fourmaux: “The worst start to the season of my career”

Throughout the 2022 season, France Bleu Nord follows Seclinois Adrien Fourmaux in the WRC World Rally Championship, and speaks with the M-Sport driver before each event. For this 4th event in Portugal, Adrien Fourmaux engages alongside Marion, his companion, nurse and met… in college!

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The 27-year-old WRC driver is having a complicated start to the season, with an impressive road trip in Monte-Carlo (1st rally), then in Sweden and Croatia last month. In Portugal, Adrien Fourmaux will want to put aside this start to the season. “It’s the worst start to the season of my career. It’s really complicated, it puts additional pressure on the team and the partners, but I’m putting things in place to rectify the situation for the rest of the season. season.”

Beyond being a high-level pilot, Adrien Fourmaux reveals himself about his private life. With Marion, his companion, the moments spent together are rare with all the trips of the pilot and the guards of Marion, nurse. “In February, we spent three days together,” she confides, after traveling to Croatia last month to follow the rally there. A situation that requires a certain organization, which they tell us about in the interview that you find in full below.

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