Adrien Fourmaux back in the snow

The northern driver Adrien Fourmaux gave us a good scare for the first rally of the season. Having left the road with his teammate Alex Coria on the Monte-Carlo rally, the 24-year-old driver reassures us about his state of health before starting the second event of the season, in Sweden. “I can reassure everyone, I’m fine. I only had a little pain in my leg, it passed quite quickly. Everything is fine, mentally too and I’m moving forward for the rest of the season.”

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The rest takes place on the side of Umea, in the North of Sweden for a rally which takes place from February 25 to 27, under the snow and in particular weather conditions. “It will be my first WRC rally in the snow, and the fourth of my career on the snow, so in a career that’s not a lot. You have to approach it quite humbly,” Adrien Fourmaux confided to us.

“Olivier quickly became a friend, someone who trusted me”

The 26-year-old driver is just starting out in the WRC adventure and does not forget the people who trusted him and allowed him to take steps in his young career. This is the case of Olivier Ducrocq, an amateur northerner pilot who remembers their first meeting. “We had the pleasure of opening a rally together (in 2017, editor’s note), we were able to discuss. He had just won the “young rally” steering wheel […] and I sponsored it without thinking.”

A great human adventure for the two men, lovers of motor sports for whom the relationship has long gone beyond the single sporting bond. “He quickly became a friend, we also talk a lot about other subjects which are very enriching for me who is still quite young. I enjoy sharing all that with Olivier.”

And that’s good, the former driver will find Adrien Fourmaux for the Rally of Portugal (May 19-22) in order to accompany the young driver, give him some advice, and above all, meet around intense discussions made more difficult because of the pandemic for two years.

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