Adjustment disorders in childhood

What is it about ?

It is not always possible to protect a child from family or social stressors. How a child handles the situation varies from case to case. When a child has trouble adjusting to changing situations, either positively or negatively, and if they have psychological symptoms, it may be a problem. adjustment disorder.

Triggering events can be, for example, a move, the divorce of the parents, the arrival of a little brother or sister, the loss of a loved one, the fact of being separated from the family, bullying at school or disease.

Not all children react in the same way to a given situation or a particular traumatic event. The child’s reaction will depend heavily on his vulnerability. The reactions of those around the child and of the possible accompaniment of the child also play an important role in this condition.

The psychological symptoms of a child with an adjustment disorder are not necessarily present all the time. He can also behave quite normally depending on the context in which he finds himself. On the other hand, varying feelings of anxiety will disrupt the child’s overall functioning and development. The more specific signs of the problem depend on its age and stage of development.

What is their frequency?

It is difficult to measure the frequency of adjustment disorder in children. According to some studies 4 out of 100 children would be affected.
Out of 100 children / adolescents who arrive at the emergency room for psychiatric reasons, about 40 have an adjustment disorder.

How to recognize them?

Symptoms appear between 1 and 3 months after the change in circumstances or the traumatic event.
If they persist more than 6 months after the disappearance of the triggering factor, we must look for other causes for the child’s behavior. It is possible that he has another psychiatric condition.

Adjustment disorder in children can manifest itself in several ways:

  • Reaction depressed brief or prolonged: the child does not want anything and no longer takes pleasure;
  • Feelings of depression and anxiety;
  • Withdraw from social contacts;
  • Behavior disorders;

How is the diagnosis made?

To be able to diagnose adjustment disorder in children, the doctor must explore the problem by asking questions. The doctor can also observe the behavior of the child in the consulting room. Eventually, the general practitioner can consult with the doctor at the PMS center to find out if there are also problems at school or if a change in his behavior has been noticed at school.

What can you do ?

Create a calm environment around the child. If the parents and those around the child are also experiencing the situation with stress, they must first learn to manage the situation at their level before they can then support the child. In other words: the ability of those around you to resist is essential.

What can your doctor do?

With the doctor, we can analyze how the child experiences the problem and what is possible to improve or adapt. Often, the new situation will last, and the child must be supported so that he can manage it better.

Sometimes, the assistance of the general practitioner is sufficient, while in other cases it will be necessary to refer the child to a child psychiatrist or a child psychologist. These professionals will help the child through talks with the child and with a cognitive behavioral therapy.

Children are recovering well from adjustment disorder. It is important that the doctor makes the diagnosis early enough so that treatment can be started quickly.

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Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Adjustment disorders in childhood’ (2000), updated on 01.10.2016 and adapted to the Belgian context on 09.12.2019 – ebpracticenet