Adil Rami separated from Léna: his relationship with Pamela Anderson made him make a cash decision

The news took internet users by surprise. On Monday, September 1, Adil Rami took the floor to announce his breakup with the beautiful Léna Guillou: “Hello friends… I wish him no harm, on the contrary… But I need to be fully in my goals and I especially need my energy to support my family. For my part, I know what I want and what I need… I know how to say stop and not forget my goals… Good luck to Léna, wishing her what she deserves“explained the defender of Estac. Léna broke the silence the next day, confirming that the two exes had remained on good terms. But the 36-year-old sportsman said a little more during an interview for Champagne Liberation this Saturday, September 17.

Adil Rami notably explained the reason why he had directly explained why it was over with Léna Guillou. And his romance with Pamela Anderson is no stranger to it all: “I mentioned it because since my story with Pamela, I know that everyone is interested in my private life! When I decided to separate, I didn’t want to see gossip, false ideas circulating. I wanted to be clear and move on. Today, being in a relationship or not, it’s not going to prevent me from focusing on the club’s ambitions. I know my priorities: my family, my children and football.”

In June 2019, after two years of love and settling in Marseille, Pamela Anderson announced the end of her story with Adil Rami, not without a crash: “It’s hard to accept. The last two years of my life have been a lie. I was scammed, I was led to believe that it was ‘the great love’. I am devastated to learn that for the past few days he has been living a double life. He used to make fun of players who had girlfriends in apartments downstairs near their wives. He called these men monsters? But it’s worse. He lied about everything.

Pamela Anderson accused Adil Rami of continuing his romance with the mother of his twins, Zayn and Madi, 6. Facts that he had denied en bloc: “In no case do I lead a double life, I simply remain attached to preserving a lasting relationship with my children and their mother Sidonie for whom I have deep respect. It’s true, I should have been more transparent in this ambiguous relationship. I assume.“One thing has never changed: his family will always be his priority.

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