Adil Rami in a relationship with Léna: this funny common passion that brought them closer

For Adil Rummy and Lena Guillouit was confession on the couch and they didn’t avoid any subject!

On her YouTube account, the young woman of just 30, who we saw in particular in The Marseillais in Dubai or more recently in The Villa of Broken Hearts 7 (TFX), posted a long video where we see her next to her new darling to answer the many questions that torment their fans. After confiding in the lackluster image she had of the 36-year-old footballer before really knowing him, the beautiful brunette also talked about their commonalities and the things they like to share together.

While Adil explains that he is tired when he comes back from training and that he does not necessarily want to have serious discussions, Léna takes him up on imitating him playing video games and the fatigue seems to have disappeared. Stung in his pride, the footballer who forbade his new companion to redo reality TV shows will quickly retort. “I’ve always said it’s better to be a geek (note, someone who plays a lot of video games) like me, just a nighter”he says, explaining that he does not go out much in the evening, contrary to what his image might suggest.

It fell well because I really like to play too

Obviously, the subject is consensus within the couple, as Lena explains. “Besides that, he fell well because I like to play a lot too… by the way we have to buy a second Play”, she adds. An idea that Adil really likes, since since they’ve been living together, Léna tends to use her game console a lot, but to his surprise, she’s doing very well. “On the other hand, you shocked me… Honestly, you’re super strong! (…) Impressive, there’s nothing to say. Bravo“, bows the ex of Pamela Anderson.

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