Adeline Toniutti under the spell of her dancer Adrien Caby? The Star Ac’ teacher lets loose!

The show “Dancing with the Stars” will be back this Friday February 16, 2024 on TF1. Among the participants in this new edition, Star Academy singing teacher, Adeline Toniutti. A few hours before the prime, she spoke to Télé Star about her motivations, she who initially did not want to participate.
“In fact, I didn’t want to do it because I was afraid… The “Star Academy” is three intense months without mentioning the preparation beforehand. Plus I wrote a book which will be released in April, I I did masterclasses, prepared an album… so I told myself that it was impossible to combine all that. It was my manager who convinced me to go to the casting during the “Star Academy” and I loved it ! I was caught and panic hit me again when I saw the diary…”.

She then gives her feelings about moving from the status of teacher to that of student: “This is the question that everyone asks themselves! In truth, I have been a student all my life… When you are an artist you are judged all your life. Frankly, I am used to being judged. Afterwards if it’s done in a malicious way, it’s sure it’s more difficult to take. But there, with the jury we have I think it will be in benevolence. Participating in “Dancing with the stars” is an opportunity for me to go into an artistic form that is not mine but one that I encounter all the time. The big challenge for me is to learn to be expressive with my body, without singing and without speaking .”

Against all expectations, the pretty redhead assures that she does not feel in competition. “I want to say that it’s not a competition. We’re challenging ourselves: we have to keep up with rehearsals. After all, I get along well with everyone, we have a great time, it’s ‘is a colorful cast’.

Finally, Adeline Toniutti gives her first impressions of her partner, Adrien Caby: “Everyone told me he’s sexy! I love it because he’s precise when he speaks and when he speaks like a rocker I melt… If I dance as well as he sings we’re saved!”.


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