Adeline Toniutti (Star Academy) victim of a serious accident: impressive images of her long reconstruction…

The video, available on YouTube, opens with images of Adeline Tonniutti in the hospital, in the recovery room. We can therefore see her lying down, still in the gas. Her movements are slow and she is struggling to breathe, despite the oxygen mask that was quickly placed on her. “Twenty-six months ago I had a household accident that broke my voice“, she explains during the interview carried out when she was on her feet again. She had also specified that she had been forced to stop working for several months before images of one of her transactions are revealed (sensitive souls, abstain!).

In all, she had four so many his “case was difficult. “We first had to give cortisone injections in my vocal cordsalso cauterize them because they had been burned. When I fell ill, it took several weeks to understand what was happening to me. I presented with a kind of acute laryngitis. There was so much phlegm that you couldn’t really see what was on my vocal cords. Several doctors tried to diagnose me and when I was diagnosed, I thought I was going to have an operation. But very few surgeons accepted the challenge because it was complicated and much too serious“, she specifies. But the situation was alarming since her health was deteriorating over the days. A doctor from Lyon fortunately accepted her case and operated on her “open cysts“. An operation “very heavy“. No longer able to go on stage, she created her center CALYP (Centre d’Art Lyrique de Paris) to give lessons or do vocal rehabilitation sessions. And after “twenty-six months of galleys“She was better.

Adeline Toniutti facing Faustine Bollaert

Adeline Toniutti had also agreed to confide in her big ordeal in It starts today in 2020. The opportunity to discover that she had her respiratory tract burned due to a chimney fire. “I woke up one night with my salivary glands completely dried up. I was vomiting blood“, she told Faustine Bollaert. And to specify that one of her vocal cords was cut in half.

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