Adele reconciled with her father just before his death: she explains the real reason for their estrangement

In all sincerity, Adele returned to her complicated childhood during a special evening dedicated to her on the American channel CBS, Sunday, November 14, 2021. The one who currently promotes her new album 30, which will be released on November 19, looked back on her tumultuous relationship with her father, Mark Evans, who abandoned her at age 3. Father and daughter finally fixed up shortly before he died last spring.

My father’s absolute lack of presence and effort … But I finally understood that it was alcohol … it took my father“, she declared very moved in front of Oprah Winfrey. After 10 years of estrangement, Adele reconciled with her father during a visit to Wales, just before this one dies at 57 years of the following a bowel cancer in May. The 33-year-old singer added that her delicate relationship with her father had a real impact on her romantic relationships: “I hurt the first, not in a malicious way, but to protect myself“, she explained.

As recalled by Daily Mail, Mark Evans himself admitted having been a “rotten father“by abandoning Adele and her mother Penny Adkins.”I drank two liters of vodka and seven or eight pints of Stella every day. I drank like this for three years. God only knows how I survived. “

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