Adèle Haenel and the Caesar controversy: the casting director who threatened her is dead …

As the next Cesar ceremony – which returns this year in the hands of Antoine de Caunes – approaches, the very controversial and criticized 45th edition is being talked about again. The site of nice morning announces the death ofOlivier Carbone, well-known casting director of the 7th Art, who had gunned down the actress Adèle Haenel after the latter’s decision to leave the Salle Pleyel during the coronation of Roman Polanski, accused of rape.

Olivier Carbone died on Friday December 10, 2021, in a hospital in Monaco. He was only 56 years old. For now, the cause of his death has not yet been revealed. Our colleagues report that he lived in Villefranche-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes) and had withdrawn from the cinema since 2015. It was in the 2000s that this well-known casting director of the small French environment was made a reputation thanks to his collaborations on successful films like The kid with Marion Cotillard or 36 Quai des Goldsmiths with Daniel Auteuil and Gérard Depardieu. Olivier Carbone had also had the immense honor of working on Inglourious Basterds, by American director Quentin Tarantino with Christoph Waltz.

Unknown to the general public, Olivier Carbone – who founded the Studio Carbone workshop to train future film stars – shocked the Internet last year because of his inappropriate comments made on Facebook; despite the deletion of his message, Internet users had had time to make captures. He wrote then, following Adèle Haenel’s choice to leave the Caesar ceremony: “Given my feedback, Haenel is going to have a good surprise soon, with a good omerta, a well-deserved dead career that hangs in his face! (…) Haenel you are tiny compared to Roman’s talent! Who are you to have a melon and tell it to you like that in front of a living monster! You throw the shit out!

As a reminder, Adèle Haenel is mobilizing against violence against women and accused the director Christophe Ruggia of sexual assault.

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