Adele and her divorce: serious consequences for her mental state

Adele suffered from anxiety and panic attacks during her divorce. The 33-year-old British artist is back with a brand new album titled 30 carried by the title Easy on me, confided in Australian radio Carrie & Tommy Tuesday, October 19, 2021. She brings up one of the headlines which includes the voicemail message left for her best friend when she was having an anxiety attack.

This passage is in the song about his son. “It’s at the end, in the outro. I was really terrified. I was having an anxiety attack and called my best friend to try to talk to her and calm me down, but she didn’t respond (…) I talk about my son for the rest of the song, and as soon as I put him to bed I can’t keep my head up anymore“, says Adele. Two years ago, she divorced her husband Simon Konecki. A difficult period to live, especially for little Angelo (9 years old).

Herself the daughter of divorced parents, Adele explains that she would have liked such a song to be written for her at the same age. “So often mommy is just mommy and daddy is just daddy, and who they are outside of that is never really discussed. When he is older he will understand, because life will reach him too, like what I went through“, she continues.

Mark, Adele’s father, has never been present in her life. He separated from his mom Penny when she was young. Father and daughter recently reconciled before he died of cancer this year at the age of 57. “I think every parent or child who had to move away, emotionally at some point in their life, because of the separation … I couldn’t have done it when I was younger. More than ever, I realized that music brought me immense comfort. I decided to talk about everything in this album, not just to heal myself but maybe to pass the tools that I have learned to master in recent years. Because it was intense“, she added. An album loaded with emotions.

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